Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ann Coulter is a right-wing speaker, publisher, and writer who believes herself to be a spoon sturring up the pot. Coming to Canada Ann Coulter has brought many controversy over her opinions. Many of her views are racist and ignorant, when she is questioned on her racist views she inturn blames others of being intolernat. Ann Believes herself to be in the right under the freedom of speech act, even though before entering Canada she was told to restrain herself. When ask to restrain herself she went to the human rights commision and said it was a "hate crime" agianst her.

Everything she saids seems to be controversial, when in a london ontario universty she was questioned on comments she had made after 9/11. About how all muslims leaders must be killed and all others converted to christianity. These and other comments are chargerable against the Canadian freedom of speech act. In Canada the freedom of speech act allows you to speak without sensorship and limitations yet the law does not aloud "hate speech" the public discrimnation of people for there religion, prefrences, or ideals. In Canada people are aloud to speak there mind and talk of there ideals, but a person cannot speak if it is against the harm principle or offensive principle which she clearly crosses the line.

Ann Coulter is a person who should not be affilated with anyone. Her views are her own and should not represent others such as women or christians. When Ann Coulter Came to canada she crossed the line in her speeches. In the Canadian law she is wrong aswell she is wrong in human nature. How she has continued to speak out in such a racist intolarant way is behind comprehension. Ann Coulter should never be allowed back into Canada for the way she has mistreated are laws and rules.

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